
OMG! Teen Girls Are So Ahead Of The Rest Of Us

As far as mind-boggling stats go, James Citron, CEO of Mogreet, just said the most boggling one for my mobile summit blogging mind.

According to Nielsen, he said, the average teenage American girl now sends a text 1,300 times a month. No wonder teens think Twitter sucks. They're way too busy actually communicating with each other than to waste their time tweeting into the void of the Twittersphere.

Teenage girls may be ahead of the curve, but Citron cited another impressive text stat: That the average American adult mobile phone user now spends more time texting than talking.

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  1. Debra Gaynor from Marina Maher Communications, February 4, 2011 at 9:37 a.m.

    You've seen those girls. They are sitting at the table with the rest of the family, but are looking down at their lap, their phones under the table, fingers moving swiftly. You can tell they're feeling okay because every few minutes you hear a beep. And then they smile. And then they say they have to go. BYE!!!

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