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A Boy's Pink Toenails For J. Crew Has 'Em In High Dudgeon

J. Crew couldn't have paid for this kind of publicity. It seems the color pink has the power to make a young child gay. So say critics of a J. Crew print ad showing a mom painting her boy's toenails pink. Some pundits questioned the moral rectitude of the ad, saying it could make a kid question his sexuality. Keith Ablow, a psychiatrist and Fox News contributor, bellowed that that J. Crew president and creative director Jenna Lyons, the mom painting her son's toenails pink in the ad, had better put money aside for therapy. Media Research Center said the ad celebrates "transgendered children."

Indeed, Ernest Hemingway's mom dressed him up as a girl when he was a little boy and we all know how that turned out: He was only chasing the moveable feast and hunting elephants when he wasn't working as a chorus girl.



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