Sirius Adds Pictures, Programming

  • January 8, 2003
Sirius Satellite Radio demonstrated a live video broadcast over its satellite radio system at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas Wednesday. While still in development, Sirius says video delivery could be a new application, in addition to its radio offerings. Sirius CEO Joseph Clayton said they are currently in discussions with programming suppliers, predicting they’ll start with kids TV target to backseat units. Sirius also announced a number of programming changes. On February 3, it will debut eight new music channels, three new news streams, and three new entertainment stations, including a station targeted to gays and lesbians. “We’re invigorating our content,” said EVP Mary Pat Ryan. The changes will be marketed in a new Crispin Porter Bogusky-created ad campaign that Sirius says will be its largest ever, using traditional radio, broadcast and cable TV, and outdoor. Sirius also announced that Hertz would expand the number of markets where Sirius is available as an option in rental cars to include Las Vegas, Phoenix and Denver. Hertz is already offering Sirius in markets in California and Florida. Sirius is forecasting its current subscriber base of 30,000 will grow to 300,000 by the end of the year. While its music programming is aired commercial-free, 40 stations are ad supported.



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