
What's In A Word?

I served for six years as a director of the Search Engine Marketers Professional Organization. Every six months or so, we'd get together to talk about the future of the organization. As you can imagine, the future of an organization catering to industry professionals is inextricably linked to the future of the industry itself. So, our conversations weren't so much about the future of SEMPO as they were about the future of search -- and by extension, the future of search marketing. 

Every time we embarked on this task of joint navel and crystal-ball gazing, we ran smack dab into the same dilemma: How do you define search? What is search? Should it even be called search any more? Esther Dyson, among others, thinks the term "search" may have outlived its usefulness. Perhaps "connection," "fulfillment" or "action" has a better connotation. At least these words imply there's something of substance on the other end of the search. They hint at successful outcomes. When Microsoft debuted Bing, the company sought to differentiate the product by calling it the "Decision" engine - "Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions."



For me, words are important, so in trying to define the future of our industry, the words we choose to represent the concept tell us something about our feelings towards it.  

Let's start with "search," the generic label we currently use: to "search" is to attempt to discover something. We search for a needle in a haystack. We search for a missing child or a runaway fugitive. We search for the truth. All seem to indicate an expenditure of significant effort but no guarantee of success. Given the state of the Internet when search engines debuted, it was an apt moniker. But today, that's no longer the case. Today, I suspect, we launch almost every search with a clear expectation that somewhere out there, the information we seek exists. All we need is the right connection to it.

Given that, perhaps a "connection" engine is a better choice. To "connect" is to link known entities. Unlike with "search," when we use the term "connect" we know our objective exists and we're just trying to find the shortest path between points A and B.  The word better captures the navigational usage of search, which accounts for a huge percentage of total queries. I've used the term myself in the past when I've said that search is the "connection" between intent and content.

But even "connection" implies a certain statelessness. While it better captures our intent than does the verb search, I don't know if it adequately represents the dynamic and participatory nature of our online activities. Whereas the verbs we used to use to define what we did online implied passive observance -- "look," "browse" and "surf" (I never did get that one, but at one time using it made you sound uber-cool) --  we now "book," "post," "comment," ""tweet," "buy" and participate in dozens of much more active ways, using more active verbs. Where once we went online to seek and consume information, we now want to "do" things.  We expect to do things. And so we use Google or Bing to find the right tool to allow us to do those things. That's the rationale behind suggestions like "fulfillment" (to carry out, to satisfy or to develop to full potential) and "action" (something done or performed). Certainly, for some search tasks, calling Google or Bing an "action" engine would be a more appropriate description.  

For some tasks -- but not all. And that's the problem we kept running into when we tried to define what search is. It's tough to keep in any one box. It tends to be squishy and amorphous. And it has the habit of expanding into the ever-developing niches and crevasses of the online landscape.

So, was Bing right to call itself a "decision" engine? Is that the missing label that encapsulates all we look for in an engine? Do we need something to help us make better decisions (to compare and choose between alternatives)? It's at least as good as "search", and probably better, because it takes it one step further. It makes the assumption that the information about the best alternatives will be served to us by the engine.  

While you might think this is just a frivolous exercise in semantics, I disagree. I think this question speaks to something fundamental in the evolution of search. We use words to label concepts -- and when the labels no longer fit, it's because the concept itself has changed. If we have trouble applying a word to something, it's probably because we think of it in a different way than we used to. I believe this is true of search. And if we think of "search" differently, it means we must also think of "search marketing" differently.  

Until next week...

3 comments about "What's In A Word?".
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  1. Myron Rosmarin from Rosmarin Search Marketing, Inc., September 9, 2011 at 12:03 p.m.

    Gord, I have personally been in the middle of several conversations (at Netscape and AOL 1999-2005) to consider re-branding our search products to something other than "Search". I could speak at length about why I always fought to keep the name "Search" as is but let me use an SEO best practice to succinctly describe my thought process. While you can call something whatever you want, you'll be much more successful if you align your word choices with how the market thinks about that thing. The market, nearly unanimously, thinks it's called "Search" and that was always good enough for me.

  2. Aaron Goldman from Mediaocean, September 10, 2011 at 9:40 a.m.

    Gord - now that search engines have become omniscient, I agree the word "search" has become, as you put it, squishy. But I'm with Myron here about sticking with the masses and that's why I don't think we'll see anything overtake "search" to refer to general engines or this form of marketing. I remember many years ago trying to start a movement around "query marketing" ( and not getting any more than a few, er, queery looks.

    That said, I'm always happy to go on a mental journey with you and play it out. To me, what we need is a "do" engine. Something that allows you to go beyond search, beyond deciding, to actually doing something. That something being whatever you set out to accomplish. Read an article. Watch a video. Buy a product. Find a restaurant. No matter who you are or what you're looking for, when you go to a search engine, you want to "just do it."

    In thinking about the all-important role of "search" engines in today's world (and the double meaning attached to The Big G), I particularly like definition #8 of the word "do" in Webster -- "to bring into existence." Doesn't that capture the breadth (and magic) of search engines?

    I'm reminded of the phrase you coined some years back for what we really need -- appsisstants. Apps that know us so well they can act as our personal digital assistants and help you search, find, and do anything. As you know, this idea was the focus of chapter 21 in my book about what the future of search holds.

    While we have yet to see a true appsisstant emerge (has anyone heard anything from Siri since Apple bought them?) there is now a new search engine for apps. And the name they gave it is quite apt -- DoAT (as in Do@).

  3. Gordon Hotchkiss from Out of My Gord Consulting, September 14, 2011 at 4:59 p.m.

    Aaron and Myron

    Agree..our vocabulary will ultimately be decided by common usage. I'm actually asking marketers to consider the labels to get at something more fundamental that what we call Google - do we need to rethink how we approach our jobs? And this will be the topic for tomorrow's column...

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