AMC Networks grew nearly 15% in ad sales in the fourth quarter of 2011.
This was part of an overall 12% increase in all revenue for its U.S. national cable networks totaling $305 million. The other big piece of the cable networks picture was its affiliate fees from cable operators -- which climbed 10% in the period.
AMC Networks says the bulk of its affiliate fee growth came from networks AMC and WE tv –- as well as an increase from digital distribution. Operating income at its national networks was virtually the same, a growth of 0.4% to $77 million.
For the full year 2011, advertising revenues climbed 12.5% and affiliate fees (and other revenue) grew 6.4% at its U.S. networks. National networks' revenue for 2011 was $1.1 billion, a 9% gain.
Overall for the company, net income grew 52% to $29.5 million from $19.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, with net revenues for all its businesses (U.S., international, and other business) up nearly 14% to $339.0 million.
The company says its original programming continues to draw viewers, which includes AMC's “The Walking Dead,” which has sold well globally. International revenue grew 14.5% to $39 million in the fourth quarter, and over 20% to $125.6 million for the year.