
This Social Network (Do We Need Another?) Is Designed For Marketers And Advertisers

Have you heard of Shocase? It's a relatively new social network designed specifically for marketers. While the vertical social network thing has been done before -- to limited success -- Shocase creator Ron Young thinks the time is ripe for (yet another) vertical social network.

He says: “There hasn’t been a dedicated social media network for the world’s hundred million marketers until now. We believe that the trend for vertical social networks is inevitable.” Barring the fact that Ning has already done this to varied success, it's certainly possible Shocase could catch on. After all, it's portfolio based and who in the marketing world doesn't love to raise their hand and scream, "Look at me! Look at me!"

So if you have time after posting your thoughts, passions and creations to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Periscope, Meerkat, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Medium, Path and flickr then, by all means, give Shocase a go.
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