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The "Weird" Pact Between EW And Its Readers

MarketWatch columnist Jon Friedman just got religion. Or, to be more accurate, he just "observed" those who have got it. The "religion" in this case is Entertainment Weekly, the 15-year-old magazine from Time Inc. Friedman recently had the opportunity to sit in on an EW focus group and was astonished to witness the devotion of its adoring readers. "Suffice it to say, I have seen the light! Gadzooks!" writes the columnist today. "It was endearing, even heartwarming, to observe the loyalty of these [EW] subscribers." Friedman says the connection between EW and its largely youthful audience is impressive -- a testament to the franchise that built slowly, albeit steadily, within the Time Inc. family of publication. "They have a weird kinship with the magazine," notes Friedman. From an advertiser POV, EW affords access to a highly motivated, entertainment-consuming audience. The mag has a circulation of 1.7 million and has been profitable for about eight years. (Disclosure: I was L.A. bureau chief and general editor of Entertainment Weekly from 1990-2001.)



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