
The Beauty Part

In the banquet room of a swanky hotel, attractive people with flawless skin, extra-white teeth, and trim figures devour trays of champagne, sushi, and chicken satay. The talk turns to Botox and tummy tucks. No, it's not a Hollywood shindig but an event hosted by Cosmetic Beauty Magazine, designed to bring Minnesota cosmetic physicians together with patients and the media.

"The plan is to establish Cosmetic Beauty Magazine in individual local markets so that [regional] advertisers are more satisfied with their return on investment and the magazine is regarded as part of the local press," says Michelle Kearney, the publication's founding editor-in-chief.

Published by Australia-based Bella Media, the magazine made its U.S. debut in Minneapolis last July. A Las Vegas version bowed in January and a London edition starts in June. With stories like "The Latest in Fat Removal" and "Skin Tightening," the 130-plus-page glossy informs consumers on the latest beauty surgeries, techniques, and procedures, complete with before-and-after close-up photos.


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