Outdoor media operators always strive to for the kind of spectacular, attention-getting displays stop people in their tracks, but a Lamar Advertising billboard in San Juan, Texas was hastily
redesigned after it attracted a little too much attention. The billboard, which featured an ad for a company SGS Industrial Supplies' safety equipment, ironically may have been contributing to unsafe
driving conditions when drivers heading eastbound on Expressway 83 spotted what appeared to be a man dangling, or possibly being hung from the sign's scaffolding.
The man, as it turns out, was a
dummy dressed in safety gear and wearing a safety harness to demonstrate SGS' products, but that didn't stop numerous drivers from calling 911 to local police stations to report the incident.
calls were enough to prompt Lamar to alter the billboard late Friday afternoon, hoisting the dummy higher so that it appeared to be dandling from a ladder placed above the billboard's scaffolding.