
Reader Comment of the Week

  • by , June 28, 2007

Don't get me wrong: I'm absolutely thrilled that my two favorite tech companies are playing well together. [Apple + Google] But some of the features Google is offering up for the iPhone seem a little questionable to me.

First, there's Google Maps. This is one of the features I think is absolute genius. I have the same app on my BlackBerry Pearl. It becomes real handy when you're stuck in the TriBeCa district of lower Manhattan and you're trying to find your way around. (This may or may not have happened to me last Monday night.)

But do we really need full access to YouTube on the go?

"Hey, Bob, check this out. The bunny rabbit is eating cereal! Yeah, it's Lucky Charms! Isn't that cute?! What do you mean you don't give a damn?"

Apparently, not only will you have access, but it will "sync to Wi-Fi networks," whatever that means. Sounds nifty, though, doesn't it?

Is the iPhone going to be just another thing we as a nation become addicted to? How many marriages you think the iPhone will end? Personally, I think the iPhone has a bit of a haul to catch up to the BlackBerry in that department.

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