NYT Launches New Ad Creative

  • October 3, 2002
As part of its "Expect The World" advertising campaign, The New York Times is launching new creative in the metropolitan New York and Detroit areas to run through the end of this year. The work features print and outdoor ads that have visually bold graphics and challenge the reader to "Look deeper." In New York, the ads target consumers and will run on buses, bus shelters, train car cards, phone kiosks and in select print publications. In Detroit, a separate set of ads is tailored to the Motor City's consumer and business community. The ads possess a distinct automotive industry theme such as the wire spokes of a wheel, automobile taillights, a checkered race flag, and yellow highway lane dividers. The ads will run on billboards in the Detroit area, and in trade publications. Bozell New York, The New York Times' advertising agency for 13 years, developed the campaign.
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