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Google Gains Search Share, Again

Many in the blogosphere responded with a big yawn when said it would allow users to delete search results. The vast majority of people--minus criminals or the paranoid--simply don't care. Case in point: new Hitwise data, showing that Google continues to extend its inexorable lead in Web search. According to the traffic measurement firm, Google attracted 65 percent of all searches in the U.S. last month, an increase of 3.24 percent over November 2006. By comparison, increased its share by a paltry 0.4 percent.

As Silicon Alley Insider's Henry Blodget says, the only bad news about this for Google, is that it "can't capture more than the whole pie." Even so, the search king is on its way, because if search follows the maturation pattern of other tech industries, like auctions and operating systems, Google would eventually end up with about 90 percent of the worldwide search market, but Blodget thinks Google's share won't likely surpass 80.

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