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Target Rolls Out Eco-Friendly Line At Barneys New York

Target, looking to imbue a new eco-friendly apparel line with cachet, is putting it on sale first at Barneys New York. The retailer commissioned 60 exclusive pieces from designer Rogan Gregory, who uses 100% certified organic cotton and other natural fibers in collections that are typically sold at Barneys and Bloomingdale's.

Gregory's Target collection will debut at Barneys New York from May 9-11, then from May 16-18 it will move to Barneys in Los Angeles, after which the clothes will appear at Target stores.

"For us, it is about generating buzz about the collection, and it's a great opportunity for the Barneys guest to preview the collection," says Amy Von Walter, a Target spokeswoman. The appeal for Barneys is less clear cut. But Julie Gilhart, women's fashion director at Barneys, green-lighted the project in part because it dovetails with the luxury emporium's emphasis this year on green fashions.



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