
Dailey - Intuit/TurboTax, "Tax Rap"

  • by August 26, 2008
Intuit/TurboTax, "Tax Rap"
Finalist Contest/Promotion/Sweepstakes

Dailey: Nick Collier, vice president, creative director; Jason Simon, vice president, interactive services. Intuit: Seth Greenberg, director of online advertising & Internet media.

The idea of mixing rap and taxes is offbeat and clever, and this creative work maximizes that. Even the Turbo Tax logo is blinged out. This is what happens when a conservative company ventures way outside of the norm with tongue in cheek. Nice tie-in with an odd celeb, such as Vanilla Ice, and plenty of sound to boost the visuals. The campaign received 500 submissions, posted several of the videos on its Web site and put lots of audio files on iTunes. Nice touch is a podcast of Vanilla Ice calling to inform the incredulous winner, whose prize was $25,000. The campaign shifted a conservative brand and took some of the fear out of taxes for young people.

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