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Search, Personalization And Privacy

The Pandia Search team examines some of the ways that the engines are using personalization to deliver a better user experience, but also how those enhancements may affect privacy. For example, "when you're signed in to your Google Account, Google will try to get you more relevant, useful search results, recommendations and other personalized features," the team writes.

And while personalized results may be more useful, the fact that the giant is developing a profile tailored to your interests, your emails, search history and Web feeds has already given rise to concern--especially since Gooogle keeps the data for 18 months.

Yahoo is also exploring ways to combine personalization and search, and is slated to launch tag-based semantic search features this fall. "Yahoo is trying to find the intention of the searcher, based on contextual information like search history and geographical location," the Pandia team says.

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