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Facebook: The Next Great Affiliate Marketer?

Adam explains that Facebook listings are creeping into the SERPs at a much faster rate than expected, giving online marketers -- particularly e-tailers -- strong competition for eyeballs, clicks and conversions.

"Where are these rankings showing up? Searches for Victoria's Secret, Nike Shoes, Vodka, and Coldplay bring back Facebook as the 28th, 30th, 51st, and 28th result respectively," he says. "While ranking 30th isn't impressive, the fact remains that Facebook isn't trying and they were also not ranking AT ALL a few days ago."

And he thinks that the trend will likely continue, with the Facebook pages continuing to attain higher rankings. "These sites aren't just full of disheveled forums, but contain videos, photos, events, message boards, product offers, downloads, even discographies," Adam says. "The results are relevant and definitely give some retailers, ticket websites, music sites and others a pinch in the arm... If you're able to download songs, buy shoes, and purchase lingerie from links on these pages, what is stopping Facebook from becoming the largest affiliate marketer on the web?"

Read the whole story at Seer Interactive »

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