Eric Berry
Member since May 2014Contact Eric- CEO TripleLift
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ezberry/
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Eric Berry is the CEO and Co-Founder of TripleLift. Prior to TripleLift, Eric was a leader on the client services and product architecture teams at AppNexus, and was previously an attorney at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP. Eric received bachelors and masters degrees in computer science from MIT and a J.D. from New York University School of Law.
Articles by Eric All articles by Eric
- Can Native Halt The Rise Of Adblocking? in
Native Insider on
Blocking ads, either through browser plugins or hypothetical service-provider software, presents a fundamental risk to the business model of most digital publishers. But the rise of native advertising might mitigate the causes that led to the popularity of ad blocking.
- Optimizing Native Ad-Serving in
Native Insider on
If the price paid for an advertisement is commensurate with its engagement, and all else held equal, publishers stand to make more money from a native ad in lieu of a banner ad. Of course, it isn't the case - at the moment - that every publisher can swap every banner ad out, move to native ads, and expect to make more money in absolute terms. Issues like liquidity, latent demand and technology infrastructure can still stand in the way. Given the above constraints, publishers need a guide to optimize for dollars and engagement.
- The Good, Bad & Ugly Of IAB's Definition of Native in
Native Insider on
Banner ads failed to meet the needs of the sophisticated marketer. So when native advertising came along -- a technology that brought the prospect of higher engagement without resorting to shenanigans -- marketers jumped at the opportunity. As with any new ecosystem, though, participants needed to understand the market. Committees were formed, standards were created, Lumascapes were made. Perhaps most importantly, the Interactive Advertising Bureau convened and established what it defined were the six types of native advertising. By and large, this list is actually a well-considered and thoughtful compilation. It helpfully separates verticals of vendors and offerings. There are, however, a few noteworthy issues with the IAB definitions. If the IAB implements the following recommended changes, we think the list can be more helpful for marketers across the ecosystem.
- Native's Impact: Measuring Brand Clarity And Messaging in
Native Insider on
The success of a display campaign is relatively easy to understand: Was there sufficient ROI tied to it? Native ads that deliver on existing KPIs can be judged on the same basis. However, native advertising presents a truly cognizable way for branding dollars to work effectively. To actually yield branding impact, native advertising campaigns must deliver on two key metrics: brand clarity and brand messaging.
- How To Make Native Programmatic in
Native Insider on
The online advertising industry has shown an unrelenting drive toward programmatic for nearly every media channel. But native, a relative newcomer, is largely understood to be different.
- Five Things That Must Happen To Make Native Mainstream in
Native Insider on
It may still be early days for the native industry, with many of the leading technology players being startups and most publishers being in the industry for less than a year. But with such promising results - for advertisers, publishers and consumers alike - it's only a matter of time until native becomes mainstream. For this to occur, we'll need to see the following five things happen.
- Context Trumps Audience For Native Targeting in
Native Insider on
While native advertising is quickly becoming available through programmatic channels, media planners need to consider the inherent distinctions between native and display when formulating the targeting parameters for their campaigns.
- Brands Must Get Beyond Fixation on Measurable Media Impact in
Programmatic Insider on
The RTB ecosystem, with its fundamental need for measurement and attribution, could be holding marketers back from fully realizing the potential of their overall media plans. By continually reinforcing the notion that spend should be focused on channels that have the most measurable or attributable performance in the context of the consumer purchase path, brands risk fundamentally misaligning their spend with their goals.
- Why A Column About Native Advertising? in
Native Insider on
Native advertising is for real. It has increasingly become a focal point of our industry over the past three years, and now represents billions of dollars in media spend. Given native's growing prominence, MediaPost has dedicated a column entirely to the subject, with the intention of presenting a centralized forum for a diverse set of respected industry voices.
- In Native Advertising, Deception Is A Dangerous Game in
Publishing Insider on
In a recent column here, I exhorted marketers to take control of the sales conversion path in their native advertising programs. I emphasized in that piece the vital importance of not ceding complete control and responsibility to publishers. In this companion piece, I want to tackle another storm cloud hovering over the native advertising space, one that if not dispersed, could rain all over the current parade of passion and dollars into the sector. Simply put, this column is all about the perils of deception.

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