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Lou Mastria

Member since July 2013

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  • FTC To Examine Privacy Policies, AdChoices Icon by Wendy Davis (PolicyBlog on 05/25/2016)

    Unfortunately, the DAA was not contacted for this article before it ran, as we believe it unfairly represents the level of consumer awareness around the YourAdChoices icon. The Kelly Scott Madison survey cited in the piece was released a full year ago, in May of 2015, while more recent data showing continued growth in public awareness of the icon was ignored.    TRUSTe, released a survey ( earlier this month showing that consumer awareness of the YourAdChoices icon has doubled over the last two years from 21% in 2014 to 42% today. Given that the program is only five years old, it is clear that the program has reached a very high level of public awareness in a short amount of time, and we are continuing to build on that awareness with an expanded PSA campaign launched earlier this year.   We look forward to continuing to share information about the success of the DAA's self-regulatory efforts with the FTC and other policymakers, as we work together to offer consumers information and control around the types of advertising they receive.

  • W3C Mulls Ad Industry Proposal For Do-Not-Track by Wendy Davis (PolicyBlog on 07/11/2013)

    The proposal discussed here before W3C’s Tracking Protection Working Group is one that advances effective consumer privacy protection, while avoiding the unintended consequences of a “do not track” interpretation so draconian that it harms the Internet, competition and advertising innovation. That means enabling interest-based ads to continue to grow and thrive, with mechanisms in place – beyond privacy policies alone -- that allow the consumer to turn them off. The choice is with the individual, not with a browser or anti-virus manufacturer. Because the Digital Advertising Alliance Consumer Choice page already allows consumers to turn off interest-based ads – with more than 1 trillion “AdChoices” impressions now being served every month – and because consumers can use the Choice page’s “Protect My Choices” tool to keep that opt-out choice in place when cookies are cleared, we now have in place a well-regarded, industry-accepted regime, endorsed by the Federal Trade Commission and the White House, and recognized by European Union regulators.

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