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Kelcey Curtis

Member since July 2022

  • Group Director, Strategy and Insights VMLY&R
  • 64119 USA

Articles by Kelcey All articles by Kelcey

  • Sampling Error: The Distorted Reality Of Research in MAD on 07/25/2022

    How do we add pigment to traditional research surveys' shades of gray in today's diverse world? Our culture demands it, and our antiquated research questions are suggesting that it's time to change the way things have always been done.

Comments by Kelcey All comments by Kelcey

  • Sampling Error: The Distorted Reality Of Research by Kelcey Curtis (MAD on 07/25/2022)

    Thanks for sharing, Ed. It's so important that we remember that real people are on the other side of our research. Surveys are our way to have conversations with real human beings. While we'd ideally be able to tackle every research question in one study, your point about fatigue is an important one to keep in mind. 

  • Sampling Error: The Distorted Reality Of Research by Kelcey Curtis (MAD on 07/25/2022)

    Thanks, John. It's so critical that we're putting the people taking the time to participate in our research first. Hopefully we're exploring more ways to ensure our samples are diverse and inclusive so we can rely less on statistical tactics to create representativeness. And I think we can all agree that when accurate, fast, and inexpensive is our remit, it can certainly be tough to navigate. 

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