by on Jul 31, 12:00 AM
AdKnowledge today released its Q2 Online Advertising Report (OAR), where the lead finding measures the time lag from a click on a web ad to a sale or registration on a site. The report indicates that 60% of customers who convert (buy or register) on a site after clicking on an ad do so within the first half hour after clicking. Additionally, 30% converted within the next 7 days. AdKnowledge also found that click rate performance is directly affected by location of placement types. Not surprisingly, portal keyword placements generated higher click rates than other ad placement …
by on Jul 28, 12:00 AM
With great fanfare, interactive media buying service Global Network Incorporated yesterday announced the release of its "first" white paper dealing with website trafficking. Aside from GNI's obviously over-hyped prediction of Internet ad revenues reaching 27% of total ad expenditures by 2007, the 21-page paper is a yet another document calling for web advertising standardization. For example, the paper suggests that the variations of impression rates can be minimized to less than 10% if publishers, auditors, ad servers, and advertisers agree on setting standards. What a novel idea! The paper also suggests that a study be conducted to …
by on Jul 27, 12:00 AM
Could it be? Could the principles used by traditional advertisers for decades also apply to online media? With all this talk about technology that prevents users from seeing the same online ad twice, we seem to have forgotten about one of the basics of advertising in general - frequency. New-York-based advertising research firm Dynamic Logic (DL) - - has launched a brand new monthly newsletter, in the first issue of which the company states that when it comes to online ads there is a direct correlation between the branding value of online advertising and the frequency of …
by on Jul 26, 12:00 AM
The final results of the online advertising campaign case study initially presented at @d:Tech San Francisco in May, are finally available online, as was announced earlier today by AdKnowledge and Internet Profiles Corp. (I/PRO). The study covered a two-week, four banner, five million impression online advertising campaign for the non-profit organization, Ad Council's Connect For Kids, that ran on the Lycos Network and showed that branding provided significant impact to the advertiser, with 10-32% of registered visitors having taken action after seeing the ad, but not clicking on the ad. Designed to show how an online ad campaign …
by on Jul 25, 12:00 AM
Yesterday's Engage announcement about being "the first company to extend advertising technology across multiple media platforms" certainly ruffled some feathers. But that's almost expected anytime someone publicly calls themselves "the first" or "the leader" in anything. The announcement claimed Engage's new technology would allow advertisers to target and serve ads to wireless devices, streaming media, enhanced TV and other web-enabled vehicles. Intriguing? Absolutely. But are they really the first? For example, said Engage's claim was "totally inaccurate." And rightly so, because has been offering their ad-serving technology (AdServe) that delivers ads across Internet-enabled devices for almost …
by on Jul 24, 12:00 AM
Out-of-home and online advertising may be closer to realizing the convergence dream than any other media. After Snapple announced last week that they will be wrapping ATMs, some of which already serve ads to bank customers, with Snapple ads, some thought "what will they think of next?" We didn't have to wait long for an answer. One of the first things to hit the newswire this morning was a press release from CMGI's AdForce network - - announcing their alliance with Hypercom to deliver targeted ads to consumers as they pay for groceries. As consumers swipe their …
by on Jul 21, 12:00 AM
This morning, ChannelSeven ran a story about the importance of maintaining well-assembled and current company press kits online. The same goes for media kits, as I'm sure you'll agree. How many times have you tried to locate a site's media kit online only to give up after an hour of searching through the pages, pick up the phone and spend the next two days playing phone tag with a rep? And when you finally do get the media kit, it's usually tons of hype and little info. This is especially true of ad networks - some will claim to …
by on Jul 20, 12:00 AM
Microsoft is adding deeper cookie controls to Internet Explorer. The company announced plans to test new features within the IE software that are supposed to give users more control over the use of cookies that can track their online surfing activities. As we all know, cookie data can be used by websites and ad servers to target online ads. So this announcement has undoubtedly sent a slight shiver down the spines of some ad serving companies who rely on cookies to build user profiles. Microsoft said it will enable automatic prompts that inform users anytime a cookie is …
by on Jul 19, 12:00 AM
Two weeks ago, despite talk of a slow down, AdZone Interactive - - announced that spending on the Internet has increased a significant 54% from January to June this year from $819 million to $1.264 billion. Considering that the IAB's official online ad spending tally came to $4.6 billion for the entire year (1999), and several other companies released much lower figures, AdZone was immediately criticized for an overly optimistic approach to forecasting future online ad spending growth. But that didn't stop them from releasing more figures earlier today, this time for the UK. According to …
by on Jul 18, 12:00 AM
I thought you might want to know there's now a museum devoted solely to banners. And where is it? Online, of course, at I promise to resist the temptation of whetting the whistle of all those who say the banner is dead and belongs in a... well, a museum, but that's simply because more talent and energy been devoted to the design of the 468x60 pixel area of a web page than to any other single advertising vehicle. "This small rectangle must carry a corporate identity, deliver a message and first and foremost get the viewer to …