by Masha Geller on Jul 31, 12:00 AM
First things first: After 5 years in Connecticut, MediaPost has decided to get closer to the action and move to New York City, so please update your rolodexes with our new address:
by Masha Geller on Jul 30, 12:00 AM
Like many researchers before it, Jupiter today predicted that search marketing will pave the road to the recovery of online advertising.
by Masha Geller on Jul 29, 12:00 AM
Here's something we in the media business can definitely relate to. today released the results of a recent poll that shows just how overworked we are.
by Masha Geller on Jul 28, 12:00 AM
Call me an optimist, but I think today's Roxio announcement signals the beginning of the end of the online music swapping debate.
by Masha Geller on Jul 25, 12:00 AM
AOL today gave us all a good topic to ponder over the weekend. In its latest quarterly earnings report, the troubled AOL TW division said the number of subscribers fell by 846,000 to a base of 25 million U.S. customers since the end of March, down from a high of 26.7 million last Sept. 30. The Wall Street Journal went to work investigating the reason for such a huge drop and ran a story today that points to "inflated numbers."
by Masha Geller on Jul 24, 12:00 AM
Yahoo! Inc. and Carat North America today announced the results of a groundbreaking research study commissioned by both companies, which reveals new findings about media consumption by teens and young adults (ages 13-24).
by Masha Geller on Jul 23, 12:00 AM
The travel sector, despite its troubles, has reached a peak for the year in category-share of online traffic, and this growth has come despite a steady decrease in the share of traffic going to the major airline sites.
by Masha Geller on Jul 18, 12:00 AM
Here are the answers and the results I promised yesterday. Now accepting submissions for the next quiz - send me questions and answers (with sources) and we'll do this again soon.
by Masha Geller on Jul 17, 12:00 AM
During the AdTech show last month we partnered with Sharpe Partners to distribute a survey to attendees for a chance to win some cool prizes from Sharpe. The results are in and, I'm sorry to say, they're kind of pathetic.
by Masha Geller on Jul 16, 12:00 AM
Looks like the warning from the recording industry about file sharing applications is actually having a frightening effect on consumers.