by Kelly Samardak on Feb 27, 2:30 PM
What do you think of when you hear "Dumbo"? I think of a drug-induced hallucination of dancing pink elephants that no doubt scared toddlers and launched many a stoner's flashbacks. And that was just the Disney movie. I'm not talking circus freaks and carnies, kids, I'm talking DUMBO -- that stamp of land Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass, where I have had the delicious pleasure of cramming oozing slices of Grimaldi's pizza through my teeth after walking the Brooklyn Bridge (I'm sure the return walk burned off all those calories, right?), covering the Shorty Awards at the Galapagos art …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 25, 3:17 PM
A couple of months ago, Lotame Sales Executive Jeremy Haft (former MediaPoster) told me to hold a date in February for a Lotame party. This was not a problem at the time -- NO invitations were coming in for our lovely shortest month of the year. Plus, the decision was made easier when I remembered the vitality around the first Lotame party I hit last year -- it was at Marquee with its chubby drinks and glowing purple and green ice cube. This time the party was at Lucky Strike and located "on 42nd and New Jersey" according to my …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 24, 12:30 PM
Maybe I just need to say no to fashion-type parties. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on me again. Last night I slapped on some fishnets and warmish dress and braved the bitterly cold night where the wind stabbed me with Mother Nature's daggers, all in the name of Marie Claire and the Style Network --- who were throwing a party to welcome new quality programming, "Running In Stilettos," which I can only imagine is a show about too-big-for-their-britches fashion types as they learn how to place themselves on a higher ground than the rest of …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 20, 12:15 PM
It's been a quiet week around my neck of the woods party-wise, which is great -- it's given me time to apply my skills to other spots in the office. And no, one of those skills is not hanging by the water cooler. One of them is, however, perfecting the microwave timing of my Smart Ones faux egg breakfast sandwiches, which I don't eat to get skinny, I just happen to love how they taste. All that aside, I'll bet some of you have been burning the midnight oil around Fashion Week. How'd that go? Did you dive into any …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 18, 4:46 PM
Stats are fun, aren't they? I'm serious - it is so frickin' cool to see where people are coming from, what word they needed that landed them at your site/blog/online column, what social media channels are flooding your stats with tubes of links. I like seeing what inspires people to click through and read. I was up to my eyeballs in Google Analytics and other in house measurements last night which is why I missed the Web2New York event. I looked at my still crud-tastic BlackBerry, saw it was 8:00PM and figured I'd head down to Tribeca to catch the …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 13, 1:30 PM
I am making a promise to you, loyal, patient, and sometimes confused reader, that next week I will not mention Twitter, tweeting, tw+eventword, twits, or for that matter, anything bird related.
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 12, 3:15 PM
I almost made this the first 140 character long JAOLM. But I've got way too much to say about the little event that could -- a who's who and who's not and who doesn't care if they're a who of the Twitter world. Who are these people who dish about their work, their days, their lunch, their sex lives, their causes, their sneakers, their exes, their passions, their hair, their bald heads, their apps, and their chiseled abs? They're just people like you and me. Well, some are people like MCHammer and the bassist from AFI, who are a lot …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 12, 10:00 AM
Valentine's Week is so much fun, always. It's a sociologist's dream, a chocolate fondue pot of attitudes. You've got the anti-Valentine, who's either full of sour grapes or thinks it's a Hallmark sham holiday; you've got the celebratory anti-Valentine who takes the opportunity to throw down all over town with their cronies; you've got the lovestruck sweethearts celebrating their shared bond (honk!); and the aged couples taking this opportunity in their busy lives to remember the reasons they fell in love in the first place. And then you've got PR, digital ad agencies, advertypes, and everyone else in our industry …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 11, 2:45 PM
I've been a little hard on Social Media Week, but I have good reason. Shiny building gnomes (some call them corporate types) have long treated social media as child's play, a frivolous "cute" funnel for communication. I have been involved with this movement since the good old days -- I helped launch the IBM podcasting pilot and was an obsessive contributor and top blogger on the company's internal blogging platform, "Blog Central." Even with the stats showcasing employees' eagerness to participate, to connect with their EVPs and CTOs, it was still like putting pleather pants on a rabbit to get …
by Kelly Samardak on Feb 9, 1:31 PM
I feel like it's appropriate to talk about a Friday on a Monday. It's almost like speaking its name brings it closer, kind of like how you might mention vermin in your NYC apartment and suddenly, as if on cue, they shall appear. All mange aside, how do you usually wrap up your week? Do you hit the bar for some Alabama slammers with your favorite mailroom guy? Maybe you head home, tears stinging your eyes, barrel through the door, and collapse in the foyer in the fetal position, muttering "please make it go away" on repeat. I like to …