by Masha Geller on Mar 29, 12:00 AM
We've all heard of, and possibly dealt with banner and other ad media exchanges in the past. It was only a matter of time before someone came up with an email exchange. Opt-in News, the permission based email marketing portal and news network, this week announced the launch of an email ad exchange Opt-in Source. The official announcement states that the new service, much like all similar ones before it, brings buyers and sellers together in an easy to manage interface. "Our intention was to level the playing ground for advertisers by developing an environment that places them …
by Masha Geller on Mar 28, 12:00 AM
If all goes according to Jupiter Media Metrix' plan, soon you'll have fewer decisions to make when planning your online campaigns. Jupiter said today that it has settled its patent infringement suit against PC Data Inc., which has agreed to drop out of the business of tracking computer usage. Jupiter also filed similar suits against competitors NetRatings Inc. and NetValue USA, claiming that NetRatings Inc. and NetValue USA also violated the company's patent on a tracking system. In the lawsuit Jupiter Media Metrix seeks a permanent injunction precluding both NetRatings and NetValue from infringing Jupiter Media Metrix' patent …
by Masha Geller on Mar 27, 12:00 AM
Here's an interesting piece of [self-serving] research from an intriguing company. New Jersey-based Amicada Inc. - - which specializes in delivery of full-frame, full-motion video, both online and offline, irrespective of a user's Internet bandwidth, today announced the results of a research project which showed that there is indeed a business model for Internet based TV-advertising. Amicada's model, that is, but it deserves a mention nonetheless. The interface prompts users when a commercial is available to be viewed and gives the choice to activate it or not. Activation launches a full-screen viewer, which displays the commercial in full-motion …
by Masha Geller on Mar 26, 12:00 AM
I promise this will be the last time I talk about this topic until something truly significant happens, but to dot all the i's and to confirm the online advertising industry's critical reactions to the IAB's big banner standards, this report deserves a mention. Jupiter Media Metrix today reported that although 25% of ad-supported websites host large banner ads, less than 5% run formats that comply with new standards. New research from JMM's AdRelevance division reveals that the number of ads exactly matching the new standards did increase by 50% during each week in February, yet they accounted for less …
by on Mar 23, 12:00 AM
It seems like the rest of the world is catching on to two realizations the U.S. came to a long time ago. One is that the absence of an eMarketing strategy is detrimental to a company's success. The second is that banners do not make for successful customer acquisition. According to a survey recently done by UK's NewWorld Commerce and Marketing Week, 63% of companies already have an eMarketing strategy in place, with websites being the most important element of an eMarketing campaign, and sponsorship of third party sites being the least popular. Early adopters of technology, such …
by on Mar 22, 12:00 AM
With the economy dangerously close to a recession, it was only a matter of time before someone took it upon himself to raise the waning morale of all Internet enthusiasts. That someone is the biggest Internet optimist of them all, Iconocast's Michael Tchong, and if you've ever had the good fortune to attend one of his conferences, you know he's not one to do things quietly or simply. So mark your calendar - April 3 is Michael Tchong's Crusade Day, or as he calls it, "Take Back the Net Day." In an email he sent to tens of thousands …
by on Mar 21, 12:00 AM
The recent study by Opt-in News reveals some interesting facts about what's happening right now in the email marketing industry. Two questions are: 'what to buy?' - direct mail or e-zine ads; and 'how to buy it?' - CPM, CPA, CPC, or other. Well, judging by that most controversial of metrics - the click-through rate - the majority of email marketing networks shared similar results for the year 2000. However, the range between direct email (where a single ad copy is broadcast to email recipients) and e-zine sponsorship (ad copy placed in the body of an email publication), was …
by on Mar 20, 12:00 AM
It's been a while since we've talked about streaming media, so here's an update. One the hottest fields right now is streaming radio, if only because use of Internet radio is growing so fast. MeasureCast, Inc., a company that provides next-day audience size and demographics reports to Internet broadcasters, today introduced the MeasureCast Internet Radio Index, which shows that Internet radio listening to stations measured by MeasureCast has increased 48% since January. For targeting purposes, here's some data. At present, MeasureCast found, 89% of all listening occurred between Monday and Friday with Wednesday being the peak listening day, …
by on Mar 16, 12:00 AM
Here's an alternative to using Media Metrix and Nielsen numbers in planning your online buys. DoubleClick and comScore Networks today announced that its jointly marketed online audience measurement product, netScore, is producing traffic estimates that closely match the server logs of individual sites, confirming that actual traffic to most websites is substantially higher than has been reported by other syndicated ratings services. As an example of the degree to which site traffic has been understated by current ratings services, Media Metrix reported 51,983,000 unique U.S. visitors for Yahoo during December 2000, while netScore reported 81,262,000 unique U.S. visitors, …
by on Mar 16, 12:00 AM
Here's a new term for your spellchecker to tackle - "advergaming." A company called kpe, which works with media and entertainment companies, has published an 8-page report titled "Can Advergaming be the Future of Interactive Advertising?" - an in-depth analysis of this curiously named emerging trend. Through its work in the interactive sector, kpe has found that gaming is a new and extraordinarily powerful vehicle for delivering branding and advertising messages, with strong advantages over traditional methods such as banner ads. Of course, it should come as no surprise that kpe also specializes in interactive game development, …