by Carrie Cummings on Nov 18, 4:43 PM
My stomach was turning as I stood outside of Crimson on Broadway, waiting for the doors to open for MediaMind's 10th Annual Rich Media Awards. A few days earlier, MediaMind's communications and media relations manager Alice Suh told me that it was superhero-themed. Worse - people would be in costumes. They had even hired superhero actors to perform. This would be great if I didn't have an irrational fear of costumed people.
by Carrie Cummings on Nov 10, 5:00 PM
I went to Though Equity Motion's 2nd Annual Ping Pong Show Down at SPiN NYC the other week. This write-up has been in the works for a while, but I hurt my back and spent the past few days whining and staying in bed (send flowers, please).
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