by Kelly Samardak on Jan 29, 3:30 PM
I don't have a sweet tooth, but a long time ago a girl I don't like anymore introduced me to DailyCandy. She was a bit of a flake, but I have to say giving me my daily dose of new fashion, remarkable sales, sassy spas, tasty small plate restaurant openings, and all the delicious local sweet secrets New York City has to offer almost redeems her existence. In this lovely economic sour patch, I more often than not just read wistfully, thinking that in the future I'll be able to fritter away my hard earned green on a vegan friendly …
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 28, 3:30 PM
I watched the "United States of Tara" on Showtime the other night with my good friend and now, strangely, industry peer of sorts, Gail Hilton (Dir. Marketing and Sales for Qwikker). It might be the greatest show on cable as it follows the lives of a family where the mom has multiple personalities, has stopped taking her meds because they made her uninterested in life, and the family just deals. Believe it or not, the show popped into my head as I left the Ripple 6 TweetUp last night. This industry of whatever you want to call it: media, marketing, …
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 26, 6:15 PM
Ah relationships. Struggle and compromise, love and seething hate, confusion and realization. It's work. And you have to put in the work to make it stick, to make it meaningful -- to make it valuable and worth banking on forever. This Friday I discovered a relationship that I had to work slightly hard for, but once I wiggled into the right spot, it all came easy. What relationship is that, you ask? The one between beer and pie.
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 23, 2:30 PM
I've never heard of OnMedia or AlwaysOn, so why was I at the OnMedia 100 party last night? Well, imagine you're the writer of a social diary and say, at the beginning of January you look at February and, aside from the glorious day of your birth, the month is empty. What do you do? You search the Internet, friends! And The Internet revealed to me a conference brought to you by AlwaysOn called "OnMedia NYC." They used last night, on the 46th floor of the Grace building, to get the winners of the OnMedia 100 to mingle it up …
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 22, 3:20 PM
What would the mating call of agency types be? Would it be the sound of storyboard marker squeaking? Would it be the gentle ting of the "launch .exe" button? Maybe it's more of a subconscious noise -- one that makes you want to run out and eat a Whopper even though you've never had one before. Either way, OMMA Magazine put it out, and the agencies descended upon the Yale club in droves, but more to network than mate. Although, hey, to each his/her own!
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 21, 3:45 PM
When you think of our 44th president's inauguration, what image flashes into your mind? Is it Aretha Franklin's hat? Perhaps it's Michelle Obama's teal shoes? Could it be the chilly millions covering every inch of DC? Want to know what jolts across my grey blob in a sequined cup of democracy? Spinning tassles. Sometimes the right, sometimes the left, and sometimes... left and right at the same time.
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 20, 3:30 PM
I can't shake the feeling that something big is happening today. Is it the Fishs Eddy "We're NOT losing our lease" sale on Broadway and 19th? No, that can't be it. Is it the fire that I missed by minutes at the Army Recruitment building that I never even saw go up and is now down? Hmm, no... Maybe it's the OMMA Magazine Agency of the Year Party tonight at the Yale Club. Or maybe, just maybe, it's that little thing called an inauguration that has everybody sizzling like baby-oiled teens at the Mentor Headlands on senior skip day. Speaking …
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 16, 3:15 PM
It was COLD last night! It was that bite-your-ears-off-and take a digit frigid, but it felt good, didn't it? Every lung-frosting breath tasted sterile, which made me imagine my almost-dead cold just chipping off my insides and leaving for warmer territory. I popped off the 6 at 68th Street and wandered towards 212, the restaurant where 400 RSVPs were supposed to fit.
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 15, 3:15 PM
I reentered the workforce after a brief wide-open spaces hiatus in lovely Mantua, Ohio to experience more of the same: a deafening whistling quiet in the media social scene. The absence of larger scale get-togethers gave me time to wallow in one of the worst colds I have ever had as well, and also generate what nickname Sawyer from "Lost" would call me if we were sharing sand on the island (It's "Sticks" if you're curious). Through a goopy green haze of Mr. Mucus (you know the guy) I discovered "The Digital Breakfast" offered by Gotham Media Ventures. Hoping we …
by Kelly Samardak on Jan 9, 2:33 PM
Tuesday morning began like any other. I hopped out of bed, tripped over my yet-to-be-unpacked suitcase from the holidays, and started the shower water (which, of course, didn't come out right away -- love that Manhattan apartment water pressure). I opened my mouth to wish my guy a good day -- and croaked. My throat unleashed a handful of esophageal porcupines wielding circular saws covered in diamond blades. Awesome. I made it through the NY Tech Meetup without an embarrassing phlegm incident, but I stayed in Wednesday night because nothing, NOTHING was going to keep me from the Saveur 100 …