by Kelly Samardak on Nov 24, 12:45 PM
Oh, this week. The week of Thanksgiving. A week where emails get sent into the ether, their landing uncertain. This is the week where lunches are longer because the big boss is at her chalet making sure it's ready for a week of skiing and schnapps. Me? I'm getting all thankful for things like DSW, where I will visit to find some warm, comfy, probably hideous shoes for the very surprisingly packed (like, more packed than ad:tech NY, Advertising Week, and Internet Week wadded together) industry holiday party season. Either everyone is doing really well at the close of 2010 …
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 23, 1:30 PM
Consumer Reports threw a party last night. I know, a Consumer Reports party doesn't sound very sexy, but you know what is sexy? Knowing which companies use marketing tactics that affect consumers positively. This year, Consumer Reports compiled their naughty and nice list, not necessarily reflective of each company as a whole, but focusing on specific policies.
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 18, 3:00 PM
Last night I covered one of my absolute favorite events every year. It's the night the advertising world puts on the adult (not in a naked way) prom finery and gets schnockered. I'm talking about the Ad Council Public Service Awards Dinner: the night advertising agencies are honored for their clever, moving, chortle- and tear-jerking UNPAID work "to help people you don't even know," according to Peggy Conlin, President and CEO of The Advertising Council.
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 17, 2:45 PM
When I got the invitation all I could think was, "they must have a copy editor over there to catch that" But then I thought, maybe it's just one of those sentences that looks awkward but actually is grammatically correct: "WE Do Good Awards" Right? It's awkward. More awkward was the actual event logo, whose word arrangement made it read "We volunteer Do Good Awards." But who can mince words when the real award (reward) comes before and after the self-congratulating: when people who dedicate their lives to improving the lives of others get a little spotlight shone on their …
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 16, 4:17 PM
This week is so stupendously awesome, with such great, happy-time, good-for-the-soul events I could just cha-cha in a bucket of meatballs.
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 12, 4:01 PM
I know a ton of PR people who have performed MANY thankless tasks. No doubt manning the list at event check-ins is one of them. Every personality has to be run through you first, and it's your job to remain calm, pleasant. I must be an idiot to think it's understood that in that role, especially at a launch event, such a person would realize they're setting the tone as the first touchpoint of the evening. I must be an idiot to think that someone would also instruct the list person that it's never appropriate to exercise verbal abuse or …
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 12, 2:00 PM
I love content. Glossy, slippery, gossipy mags, thick, wordy, intellectual pubs, foodie, veggie, squatty manuals, quit and witty newsletters, fancy tip filled blogs, gorgeous sprawling photo spreads. I love 'em all. The Custom Content Council loves them, too, which is why they continued their tradition of the Pearl Awards, bestowing 175 of them to 50 companies last night at The Water Club.
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 10, 2:30 PM
Last night I went to a party. Shocking, I know.
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 9, 2:15 PM
It was time to bid a formal sayonara to ad:tech New York at 230 Fifth. As I walked from Bowlmor's Carnival in my not-so-comfy shoes to 230 Fifth, my toes screamed for me to return home, to reunite with my best friend, the couch, and sink into a late night of DVR catch-up. I screamed back at my toes "No, toes! I must complete the multi-party challenge!!" and off I continued, +1 in tow, camera banging against my side, shutter finger blistering from hours of snaps.
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 8, 12:00 PM
Do you remember your first birthday? Some people at Netmining may not remember theirs either. But that's what happens when you plan an event at Carnival where the question is "Who darted?" and the answer is "stuffed hamster."