by on Jan 30, 12:00 AM
A contact recently invited me to join her network on LinkedIn, a professional networking site. Like Tribe, Ryze, Friendster, and a host of other networking sites, LinkedIn members invite people to join their network and what starts out as a small group, grows fairly quickly into something larger and potentially more valuable with each addition.
by on Jan 29, 12:00 AM
So, I'm wondering whether Howard Dean's blood-curdling primal scream in Iowa last week might be construed as a new form of media.
by on Jan 28, 12:00 AM
Media behemoth Time Warner reported earnings today and while the company's cable and film divisions reported a fourth-quarter profit, its online unit posted a seven percent decline in fourth quarter revenue. Time Warner's quarterly revenue increased six percent to $10.9 billion in all sectors except for America Online.
by on Jan 27, 12:00 AM
When an online bellwether like New York Times Digital appears to be going strong, it must say something about the improving health of the entire industry. A rising tide lifts all ships, right?
by on Jan 26, 12:00 AM
Last week's settlement between Playboy and AOL over trademark infringements in keyword advertising doesn't mean the issue is dead.
by on Jan 23, 12:00 AM
Maybe it was the bone-chilling cold and the open bar. The hip venue didn't hurt either. But whatever it was that drove more than 500 New York-area interactive media professionals to 212's launch party last night, there was no denying a palpable and pervasive energy.
by on Jan 22, 12:00 AM
Question du jour: Who's minding the [ad sales] store at AOL? After only a year in the company's top ad sales job, Lisa Brown, AOL's exec-VP of Interactive Marketing, left earlier this month. Brown, appointed by AOL-CEO Jon Miller for whom she worked at InterActive Corp., issued a string of mea culpas last year for AOL's shoddy relations with marketers and agencies. She pledged to improve relations and build a world-class sales organization. She said all the right things.
by on Jan 21, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow night, 212, a new media group positioning itself as an interactive advertising club for New York-area online media professionals, is throwing a launch party.
by on Jan 20, 12:00 AM
Greetings! It is my great pleasure and privilege to embark on a wholly new adventure as the new executive editor of MediaPost.
by Paul Gough on Jan 19, 12:00 AM
Ebay,, and Thanks to the exploits of the Mars Explorer, NASA's Website rocketed 217 percent for the week ended Jan. 11, according to Nielsen//NetRatings. It was the fastest-growing at-work destination for the week, with 2.3 million unique visitors. There were 1.7 million unique visitors to at home, up 48 percent.