by Masha Geller on Oct 31, 12:00 AM
I promise this will be the last time I talk about the online holiday shopping season this year (unless something truly exciting happens in the next two months), but here’s the last word.
by Masha Geller on Oct 30, 12:00 AM
If you’re targeting your upcoming online campaigns by gender, just remember that men prefer "online" to "in-line" and women will shop for the best price.
by Masha Geller on Oct 30, 12:00 AM
While I’m still trying to figure out where the month of October went, the research community is looking forward, saying yet again that the online holiday season looks “promising.”
by Masha Geller on Oct 28, 12:00 AM
Sorry to start the week with bad news, but this one is important. A recent survey found that email response rates among online companies leave a lot to be desired, and that gives all of us a bad name.
by Masha Geller on Oct 28, 12:00 AM
Blame it on the extra hour of sleep over the weekend, but the online ad industry is a flurry of activity so far this week.
by Masha Geller on Oct 25, 12:00 AM
According to the latest national radio format study from Scarborough Research, Classical radio fans spend big bucks online. Classical listeners are 30% more likely than the norm to have made an Internet purchase in the past 12 months, and they are 49% more likely than average to have spent large amounts ($1,000 or more) online during the past year.
by Masha Geller on Oct 24, 12:00 AM
What’s a Jupiter Advertising Forum without an optimistic Jupiter forecast? An impossibility, of course. As expected, the researchers unearthed their crystal ball earlier this week at the New York gathering of online aficionados and reported that while online advertising spending is expected to be flat between 2001 and 2002, 2003 spending is forecast to grow by 10%.
by Masha Geller on Oct 22, 12:00 AM
The Online Publishers Association has announced the results of an audience affinity study conducted in partnership with Millward Brown IntelliQuest and comScore Networks, which establish a link between consumer affinity toward media websites and a positive predisposition toward advertisements delivered by those sites.
by Masha Geller on Oct 21, 12:00 AM
The IAB’s annual meeting in New York yesterday was brimming with optimism for the future, except for one presentation – the ad revenue report.
by Masha Geller on Oct 21, 12:00 AM
Despite the much-publicized webcasting legislation issues occupying up most of the industry’s time, MeasureCast, Inc. last week released the MeasureCast September Internet Radio Report, which shows that the 1,946 online stations measured last month streamed a combined total of 59,352,922 hours to 12,481,768 listeners worldwide.