• Just An Online Minute... DigitalDUMBO #5 Still Alive! No Disassemble!
    This morning on the cloudy, misty, humid, almost-sweaty walk to work, I stopped at Food Emporium to stock up on supplies for Internet Week New York. It really does require ahead-of-time prep -- or you end up gaining 20 lbs due to panel and party food and your energy level is shot due to lack of veggies and such. I got a week's supply of fat girl breakfast sandwiches (AKA Smart Ones -- they're weird and I love them), granola bars, and 100% juice smoothies. And yes, I do this before the weekend starts because it all begins on Sunday …
  • Just An Online Minute... Tweeting Up On The Down Low With SocialVibe
    Oh, what a lovely day yesterday was. I awoke refreshed after a sleep of eight hours -- something I haven't experienced since I was 15. The snottie plague ("snotties") seemed to be leaving my body and I was looking forward to catching up with old pals and unearthing new ones at Joe Marchese (of SocialVibe)'s super-secret, invitation-only Tweetup. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with such a blanket of positive awesomeness? So much.
  • Just An Online Minute... Don't Forget To ReMIND.org
    I'm not a crier. However, it is guaranteed that when the morning news features a soldier surprising his kid at school with his return, my mouth does that uncomfortable wiggle wobble and my eyes sting with heartache, Sometimes I have to change the channel, or in the case of soldiers young and old returning with less of themselves that they shipped off with, I turn away. Those soldiers and their families can't turn away or change the channel, it's their lives. And guess what? What lies beneath the physical injuries is the psychological damage. This is why Bob and Lee …
  • Just An Online Minute... Batten Down The Hatches, Internet Week Is Coming!
    When I started writing this, I was supposed to be at The Hammerstein Ballroom covering the social, schmoozy side of the Turner Entertainment Upfront. But I wasn't. I'd like to dedicate my absence to the New York transit system. So today, let's just you and I talk about what's ahead this summer -- you know, let's catch up.
  • Just An Online Minute... Only Three People Don't Like Skittles At IAB MarketPlace
    Why is that when people die of the swine flu (oh that's right, I'll not fall prey to disease marketing spin -- it's easier to say AND I still eat bacon, hot dogs, and pork rinds because I know you can't get it from eating pork), they don't tell you how it actually takes them. Being kept in the dark fuels hysteria. I actually went to the Centers For Disease Control Web site today, and I'm pretty smart and non-alarmist -- this shows that I might be taking this more seriously. Not seriously enough to buy a face mask, but …
  • Just An Online Minute... Poppin' Collars And Crawfish For Cancer Research
    When I was a third grader at Mantua Village elementary school my music teacher saw something in the bug-eyeglasses-wearing, three-foot-tall, big-front-toothed little ball of hair that I was. She asked me and this little boy to meet privately one day and she offered us singing roles in the musical performance of the century (I embellish, a little). The song went a little like this, and if you're lucky, I may even sing it for you: "Wellllllllllll you get a line and I'll get a pole, honey/you get a line and I'll get a pole, baaaabe/you get a line and I'll …
  • Just An Online Minute... ANDY Speaks Softly, Carries A Big Stick
    I get all kinds of invitations. Sometimes, they're so awesome I wish I could go to all events, but that's just not realistic. Since I had already RSVP'd yes to the Ad Club's invitation to ANDY Speaks, a program getting ANDY winners in front of an intimate (we're talking REALLY intimate) audience to talk about their inspirations and processes, I couldn't make the Daytime Emmy Awards Nomination Party at the Hearst Tower, which came in a couple of days before the event. The ANDY awards were pretty fun, so even though I was told "this isn't a big party" but …
  • Just An Online Minute... Photo On Photo Action At The NYPH Curator's Reception
    It's no secret that I love photography and music with equal parts of my heart. Last night I was faced with a conundrum: Cover the opening party for the NY Photo Festival and ingest eye food or do something in my real life like take in Animal Collective at Terminal Five - ingesting ear food AND eye food. The photo festival party won for many reasons - one being that it would give me a chance to explore DUMBO a little more outside of my fun monthly jaunts for digital DUMBO and the other being - well, it's photography, I'd …
  • Just An Online Minute... For Whom The Dell Tolls
    What exactly is an urban meet-up, you ask? It's moot if it's in an urban setting -- I mean, isn't it just a meet-up at that point? Either way, the invitation promoted Dell's Urban Meet Up featuring the intersection of design, contemporary art, and technology. The directions read "873 Broadway at 18th Street," which told me it would be AT 18th street. When I got there, it was a deli. I walked across the street for the panoramic view and still couldn't find Home Studios, Inc. Thank goodness for my defective BlackBerry -- I googled the place and called, saying, …
  • Just An Online Minute... The Year In Burgers: An Online Minute Retrospective
    Do you remember your first birthday? I don't. Maybe it's like your 21st birthday, which is really just for your jack*ass friends - and it sort of ends up the same as your first birthday: someone wets themselves, someone throws up on the cake, someone gets yelled at, and photos are taken that you prefer no one to see. Well, guess what, loyal readers, loyal "caption only" types, and return visitors who stumbled upon this column in search of [insert search term here] - today is my 1st anniversary of writing this column. That's right, I gestated in the MediaPost …
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