by Masha Geller on May 15, 12:00 AM
I usually see red every time a company does a survey to prove that the world is in dire need of the products it makes, and most of those surveys quickly find their way to my "deleted" folder, but there was something so absurd in this one I had to mention it.
by Masha Geller on May 14, 12:00 AM came in first again. The site is ranked number one in the Current Events and Global News category for April 2003, according to the latest audience data released by Nielsen//NetRatings. Year-over-year unique visitors to MSNBC soared nearly 50% with traffic peaking during March and April 2003, as readers continued to log on to the Internet for breaking news and events in record numbers.
by Masha Geller on May 13, 12:00 AM
AOL should follow the lead of Yahoo and MSN and get out of the dial-up doldrums. A little less than a year ago, Yahoo! signed a co-branded DSL deal with SBC Communications, which has since attracted nearly 1 million subscribers.
by Masha Geller on May 12, 12:00 AM
The Online Publishers Association today released yet another piece of research, which sheds more light on the "daytime is online primetime" concept. Focusing on the At Work Internet audience (users who accessed the Internet from work within the past 30 days for non-email purposes), the study found that for nearly three in ten work web users, the Internet is the only medium consumed during the daytime.
by Masha Geller on May 9, 12:00 AM
What are American college students using the web for? With nearly 10 million active users in March 2003, the U.S. university Internet audience is both sizable and influential. They definitely prefer the web to the campus library, and MP3s to CDs, but their favorite online tool, by far, is instant messenger (which should warm the hearts of Wall Street Journal execs who yesterday partnered with AOL to deliver their content through AIM).
by Masha Geller on May 8, 12:00 AM
To borrow a part of a thought from Mark Naples' commentary in MediaDailyNews today, the current spam crisis is indeed reminiscent of the privacy problems a few years back: we just can't seem to be able to stop talking about it, and everyone is getting involved. Offering anti-spam solutions and policies is the new "in" thing to do.
by Masha Geller on May 7, 12:00 AM
If you've been working on online Mother's Day campaigns or promotions this year, and the result so far aren't encouraging, don't' worry. Things are about to heat up.
by Masha Geller on May 6, 12:00 AM
Those of us who spend our days online don't think twice about trusting the web with our most personal matters, but as online marketers it may serve us well to keep in mind that the rest of the online population is still having trust issues.
by Masha Geller on May 5, 12:00 AM
After two days of spam rants, one of our readers wrote me saying I sounded "angry." Well, here's something non-threatening for a change: numbers.
by Masha Geller on May 2, 12:00 AM
The second day of the FTC Spam Forum has proven to be slightly more informational than the first. The day started off with a panel on the economics of spam and amidst complaints from almost all of the panelists, who talked about the astounding amounts of money being lost as a result of spam, a voice of reason - that of Bigfoot Interactive's CEO Al DiGuido - put things in perspective.