Truth be told: my coffee drinking is legendary. In the mornings when I speed-drink the wake-up mug to the OMMA shows where the coffee urn is conveniently situated right where … Read the whole story
Eight months ago, StumbleUpon rolled out its Paid Discovery ad program, adding tiered pricing, expanded analytics and extending ad buys to mobile devices. Since … Read the whole story
In a first for Ford and perhaps a first for the industry, the Dearborn, Mich.-based automaker will introduce a new vehicle through a social … Read the whole story
Even as the major e-reader players battle for the great middle of the $200-$250 color tablet market, the scuffle continues on the low end … Read the whole story
Mobile phone giant Sony Ericsson -- soon to become a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Corp.-- has awarded PHD its global planning and buying … Read the whole story
While under the radar relative to other Amazon projects, AmazonFresh has been taking orders and delivering groceries to the environs of Seattle since 2007. … Read the whole story
"There's money being left on the table," Rubin tells Marketing Daily. "Retailers have an opportunity to make up revenue from these accessories. There's a … Read the whole story
How prepared are you for the mobile social tidal wave, tsunami, hurricane, and Bieberquake that will hit us in 2012? You'd better get ready. … Read the whole story
Mobile storytelling may be catching on in my family. Well, I mean mobile stories by my daughter and wife that don't involve tales of … Read the whole story