The end is near for "Young Sheldon," CBS announced Tuesday. It will end with a one-hour series finale on May 16. Read the whole story
Fewer pay TV subscribers will eventually mean less affiliate revenue - especially for big, independently owned TV station companies, a Wells Fargo report says. Read the whole story
Fragmented media consumption, tough-to-reach younger voters also demand more sophisticated targeting, according to Samba TV research. Read the whole story
Vizio's Inscape says cable, satellite, and over-the-air platforms combined posted a nearly 77% share of sports TV/video viewing and nearly 82% of all news … Read the whole story
An estimated Q3 gain of 600,000 puts YouTube TV in striking distance of Dish TV. Read the whole story
Audi, Welch's Fruit Snacks, Quigley-Simpson, and PHD Media are some of the early adopters of the AI-powered video ad attention platform that Kerv Interactive … Read the whole story
Gameview's data management platform aims for precise targeting. Marketers also receive in-view time and interaction rates to better determine ad placement. Read the whole story
Share of smart TVs used for both streamed and traditionally sourced content is down to 41%, according to ACR data. Read the whole story
Netflix is seemingly trying to find some interesting formula that will give loyal sports TV viewers a different perspective they would not get otherwise. Read the whole story