The birth date of "Jeopardy!" was March 30,1964. Later this month on March 30, 2024, the show kicks off a year-long anniversary celebration. Read the whole story
For the first time, Disney is allowing direct access of its programmatic platform - Disney Real-Time Ad Exchange - with two of the largest … Read the whole story
The move makes Comscore the only accredited local service and the first national or local service accredited for a "Big Data" methodology. Read the whole story
P&G Chief Brand Officer Mark Pritchard says in-house media teams do that around the globe saving at least 10% annually where those teams are … Read the whole story
Nissan also is once again offering an online bracket challenge in partnership with CBS Sports. Read the whole story
In the first video of a series, Danson interviews an actual plaque psoriasis patient -- and Sotyktu user -- about living with the condition. Read the whole story
"Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" gave drug companies a ton of free airtime. Read the whole story
"Sports still has legs across younger demographics," according to Michael Nathanson, media analyst for MoffettNathanson Research. Read the whole story
The better our products get, the more they are alike. Quality is contagious. It multiplies itself. Quality follows quality, which is why quality also … Read the whole story