The Drum
The Drum today spoke with PubMatic's Duncan Chamberlain, VivaKi's Marco Bertozzi, DataXu's Martin Brown, and others to discuss challenges that could face RTB in the coming months. Chamberlain, EMEA director, advertiser solutions at PubMatic, told The Drum, "The challenge is to increase the confidence of publishers so they open up their premium inventory into the RTB environment." He added, "If publishers continue to use RTB as a high value premium auction, advertisers will begin to gain clearer visibility allowing them to make informed decisions when placing that final bid."
Street Fight
Street Fight today spelled out the implications for local and hyperlocal publishers in today's RTB world. They say that aggregation, greater efficiency, and more transparency are needed before local and hyperlocal publishers can "unlock more value in their ad inventory" in the RTB environment. "The above dynamics [aggregation, efficiency, transparency] need to be in place for local/hyperlocal publishers to participate more effectively in this rapidly growing world of RTB," wrote Street Fight.
The Drum
The Drum spoke with Joel Christie, online marketing controller, BSkyB, and asked him to describe the challenges and opportunities associated with real-time advertising. Christie said that "confusing jargon" and an overcrowded market of tech suppliers are two issues that brands encounter in the space. "The amount of jargon that has arisen to describe the digital ad trading ecosystem has only led to further confusion and alienated some buyers and sellers," wrote The Drum. Christie believes that the jargon leads to trust issues and thinks that making the whole process easier to understand would be better for everyone.
AdExchanger wrote that MailOnline "has staunchly resisted the pull of programmatic, even in the face of tremendous traffic growth." However, "the company's chilly regard for programmatic may be thawing as it feels more confident in being able to balance its direct sales with automation."
The Drum
According to The Drum, Xaxis UK managing director Nicolas Bidon believes that programmatic traders have been focusing too much on ad quantity instead of quality. Bidon spoke at the Admonsters Ops Building the Future of Advertising event in London on Tuesday morning, and said, "We have also focused on quantity rather than quality. For example in the US the internet population is about 270 million people, and an average 5 trillion impressions are served daily. Do the math and you see that each of those online users gets served an average of 2,000 ads per month - that's 650 ads …
ClickZ spoke with Jay Habegger, CEO of OwnerIQ, to figure out what programmatic buying has taught the industry and where it will go next. Habegger also offered advice, saying, "It is important to give a lot of thought to what the appropriate KPIs (key performance indicators) will be for the campaign."
Marketing Week
Marketing Week has reported that Heineken is putting together "a social media strategy that employs real-time marketing to target consumers on mobile devices." The company will develop Heineken-branded second screen experiences that consumers can use during a live event such as a game or concert. The company is also creating Facebook apps to allow people on-the-go to easily share content.
The Drum
The Drum reported today that MediaCom UK appointed Andy Mihalop as head of biddable media, a newly created role. Mihalop was previously Moneysupermarket's head of digital. According to The Drum, he "will oversee search and programmatic buying across the agency."
Adweek reported today that fraudulent inventory could be costing the online ad business $400 million a year. One buyer told Adweek, " least 15 to 20 percent of all real-time bid requests are probably fraudulent in some way."
Facebook has launched a live dashboard of its data centers to provide "near" real-time data on their Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE), writes Engadget. The graphs shows information from Facebook's Oregon and North Carolina data centers. According to Engadget, the company will be "add[ing] its Swedish facility to the charts as soon as it's built."