• Industry Reading Habits Reveal Lingering Concerns With Programmatic
    "Programmatic buying is currently one of the hottest topics in marketing circles, but the most-viewed papers on Warc covering this topic suggest the industry harbours many concerns about the technique," Warc wrote.
  • The 'Nerds' Should Be Doing The Selling
    Advertising Age has posted an article saying data scientists should be on sales calls because "ad tech's complexities require explanations to clients that go beyond relationship sales."
  • Where Programmatic Advertising Fits In 'Hyperlocal Publishing'
    Street Fight today published an article exploring the topic of "hyperlocal publishing," and notes that programmatic ad buying "could help hyper locals recoup revenues."
  • Why Programmatic Fails For B2B Marketing
    Business2Community.com recently posted an article titled, "The Real Reasons Programmatic Ad Buys Fail in B2B Marketing." "It isn't ready yet for today's B2B marketer," the post reads. The possible reasons? The post suggests it's possible that "the data actually sucked" and that "context was completely ignored."
  • Programmatic's Success, AOL's Adap.tv Deal Highlighted In 2013 Online Video Stories
    The Video ink has posted a story outlining the five "most interesting online video stories of 2013." Coming in at number five was programmatic video advertising becoming "the new big thing," and at number four was AOL's acquisition of Adap.tv.
  • Ex-Airpush CTO To Launch Mobile RTB Platform
    Exchange4Media has reported that Vaibhav Gupta, who recently resigned as CTO of Airpush, is planning to launch a mobile real-time bidding (RTB) platform, dubbed Bidstalk.
  • Justine Sacco Saga Led To No-no Real-Time Marketing Effort By Gogo
    In-flight Internet provider Gogo is the latest company to try wedging itself into relevancy via Twitter and "real-time marketing." The opportunity was provided courtesy of Justine Sacco, and the Internet mob that formed shortly after a tweet she sent went viral.
  • Programmatic To Cause Online Video 'Shake-Up' In APAC
    ClickZ has posted an article written by Matt Von der Muhll, managing director APAC at SpotXchange, saying there will be a shake-up in the APAC online video ad space when it comes to programmatic trading in 2014.
  • PubMatic To Expand Into Japan In 2014
    Techcircle.in has reported that PubMatic is planning to expand into Japan in 2014. "According to Kumar, Japan is very unique with horizontally-integrated demand-side platforms (DSPs) and supply-side platforms (SSPs) aligned with the major agency groups," Techcircle.in wrote.
  • What A CEO Should Know About Data Analytics
    Forbes today posted an article titled "What Every CEO Needs To Know About Data Analytics." "Of course, there is a lot of talk today about data, data and more data; and there are probably tons of companies that have heard all this chatter but are doing nothing themselves. In fact, while thinking about collecting data is a critical step, knowing what to do with it is still another leap," the article reads.
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