Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal has reported that Hulu's use of viewability as a currently "has led to more business," despite "many Web publishers ... reporting that advertisers' growing insistence on buying only viewable ads has hurt their [respective] bottom line[s]."
Performance Marketing Insider
Adaptive Media, a supply-side platform (SSP), saw its CEO and Founder, Qayed Murtaza Shareef, arrested last week on counts of child pornography and more, per Performance Marketing Insider.
"Private marketplaces are going to be where we do most of our business in 2015," David Moore, president of WPP Digital and chairman of Xaxis, WPP's programmatic unit, told Beet.TV in an interview.
TubeMogul, a programmatic video ad platform, "plans to offer ... the ability to purchase display inventory this year," writes AdExchanger.
Analytics firm Teradata has acquired Israeli app marketing platform Appoxee for $20 to $25 million, TechCrunch has reported.
Wall Street Journal
Per the Wall Street Journal, Turbo Tax ran a programmatically-purchased 30-second ad during the Saturday 1 a.m. edition of "SportsCenter" on ESPN.
"Programmatic TV" may be poised for growth this year, but according to Rhys McLachlan, global head of TV strategy at Videology, demand currently exceeds supply.
iMedia Connection
iMedia Connection has posted an article written by Roy de Souza, CEO and co-founder of Zedo, contending that "programmatic direct beats RTB for brands."
Advertising Age
"The DailyMail.com ran a full-page ad in The New York Times on Monday to promote its automated ad sales in the U.S., offering $1 in free programmatic advertising for every ad dollar spent the traditional way," reports Advertising Age.
"Programmatic video is attractive to the incumbent broadcast industry because audience dynamics are changing," writes Beet.TV, citing Mike Shehan, CEO of programmatic video ad platform SpotXchange.