
Commit To Mobile Instead Of 'Testing'

Do you have a mobile strategy, or are you just winging it?

Participating in the mobile landscape is like any relationship: to be effective, you have to know what you want going into it. You have to be willing to commit and to compromise in order to have success.

Mobile is growing in importance; the recent acquisitions by Google and Apple of mobile ad networks, as well as the recent announcement of the Google Nexus One, demonstrates that fact. The problem is that too many people come at it from the wrong perspective. Mobile is first and foremost a communications vehicle, and the smart marketers are the ones that are using it in that way. Mobile is built on apps and ads, but all these do is provide an easier means of expanding the communication between a brand and the consumer.

Mobile should be used as a support and extension vehicle for other media campaigns by embracing that communications role. It is not something to be planned in a vacuum, because it doesn't perform well as a stand-alone effort. The ads in the mobile space are too small and un-engaging, and the applications that some companies develop are always an extension of an application from somewhere else. Customer service apps are an extension of traditional customer service. Mobile Web sites are a repurposing of existing content. No brand would begin with the mobile platform as its primary means of interacting with the consumer, because the reach and the experience are too limited. Mobile is rather a medium that is well used for continuing a conversation that was started somewhere else.



I get calls day in and day out from mobile providers that want us to spend money on their platform, but they are typically pitching first and listening second, which does a disservice to the mobile category because it is not building on the strength of the medium. Mobile is a means of extending the conversation and going beyond the browser, the printed page or the television commercial. By integrating a mobile component for follow-up, you can provide a measurement element for other campaigns. Text messaging can be used for additional information. Mobile search can be used to get information on the fly. Location-based services can provide similar efforts.

Even mobile ads that refer to a holistic campaign launched in another medium can reinforce messaging and convert consumers into consideration (especially when factored in with mobile offers that reach the consumer closer to the point of purchase). All of these elements provide follow-up that may not have existed before.

To do mobile right, you need to be proactive and plan out the goals for your campaign, and you need to integrate it into your entire effort. Don't plan mobile as a "test" buy in your media plan, because it will be just like "testing" a relationship. If you don't commit to a relationship, it can't work. You can build a beautiful application but if you don't promote it and integrate it into your overall effort, it will fail.

If you're going to commit to a mobile integration in your efforts, be willing to compromise. You have to work within the parameters of where the industry is now, not plan for where it will be in a year. Your audience may not be at the forefront of technology yet -- not ready for apps as advanced as you may want to try -- but you have to respect them where they are (plus the industry changes so rapidly that you may not be correct on your bets). So reach out to your audience, get them interested, and then take them where you want to go.

And for the people selling mobile these days, please set your expectations properly. Yours is not a quick sell, because you need to sell into existing campaigns. Your ideas cannot be planned in a vacuum or you will not succeed. Be sure to do your homework and have a strategy from your side as well.

Strategic planning from both sides will lead to easier successes down the line. Don't you agree?

3 comments about "Commit To Mobile Instead Of 'Testing' ".
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  1. Dean Collins from Cognation Inc, January 13, 2010 at 2:37 p.m.

    As a content publisher the big issue with the mobile ad space at the moment is you cant find ad-networks offering payment for CPM (only CPC).

    At we have the ability to mobilise our content but have chosen not to do so yet due to the fact that we cant earn enough money on mobile CPC ad revenue.

    I would love to offer a mobile version of next season (or even mobilise the NFL playoffs this month for but when there is no money to be gained..... then the content will have to stay online accessible only via a desktop browser where we make great money on CPM and CPC ads.

    Dean Collins
    Live Chat Concepts inc.

  2. Elliot Benn from, January 13, 2010 at 3:09 p.m.

    Cory! I luv U man! This article hits at the very reason we at Tribal Fusion have partnered with Greystripe to bring the mobile medium to the "digital" planners, buyers and brands not yet in mobile. We're making it easy to use your existing 300x250 creative and move it to the mobile space in our iphone network. Take whatever you are doing online and now do it via mobile. CTR's are high and engagements are meaningful. Best yet, measure it with your existing 3rd party tracking sytstems like DART or ATLAS. No need to test. This works! Tell all at Catalyst SF I said hello!

  3. Darren Mcdonald from, January 14, 2010 at 9:37 a.m.

    Cory, your comments are absolutely on the money. "What do you want going in" , is so true.The majority of my web clients (Local) are still testing the waters. When we launch our mobile in Feb it will be the same thing. The minority, the early adopters that are willing to committ, get it, have bought it $$ and see pure value. We are still having issues not so much on goals and objectives and delivering creative, but conveying to our clients that the results acheived, do hold value. Again thanks for some great incite.

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