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Boston Hub Set For Marketing Convention

South Boston will see 10,000 marketers arrive this week for the Direct Marketing Association DMA2011 Conference & Exhibition at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center tomorrow. The convention will focus on "real-time" marketing. "It's a nice mix of big brands and small brands giving practical advice," said Josh Mendelsohn, senior product marketing manager at Waltham online marketing company Constant Contact. "It's cutting across the latest and greatest, like real-time marketing and social media, but it doesn't ignore traditional areas like mail, or the more traditional Web."

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone will speak at the conference Monday morning. Direct Marketing Association CEO Lawrence Kimmel said it's the first time the 93-year-old organization has held the yearly event on the East Coast in 10 years. The group chose the Hub for its cluster of marketing technology companies, and the easy access it provides for East Coast and international attendees.



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