Analyst Assesses PubliCom As 'Mother Of All One-Stop Shops,' Will Boost Entire Industry

Five days of headline coverage, three investor calls, countless analysis, editorials, conjecture, jabs, pokes, and obligatory jokes, and the “net-net” of Publicis and Omnicom’s merger is finally coming to light, and according to a new Wall Street analysis, it is effectively the “creation of the mother of all one-stop shops.”

At least that’s the most current conclusion of Deutsche Bank analyst Matt Chesler, who’s report, “Publicis Omnicom: What We Have Learned So Far,” finds that the net benefit of the merger is the “cross-selling opportunities” of being Madison Avenue’s No 1. The report does not conjecture on what the correspondent negative implications are for WPP moving to No. 2, but the turnabout doesn’t appear to have negatively affected its perceived value in the marketplace, or to its shareholders.

Earlier this week, another analyst, Pivotal Research Group’s Brian Wieser, raised his target price for WPP’s stock 12.5% to $90 a share from $80 pre-Publicis Omnicom deal, mainly because Publicis Omnicom deal will have positive effects across Madison Avenue, improving the margins and “competitive dynamics” across-the-board, including at WPP.



Meanwhile, Deutsche’s Chesler says the deal will also accelerate other ongoing shifts on Madison Avenue, especially the long-term push toward “integrated services,” where the scale of big organizations like Publicis Omnicom and WPP could truly make a difference.

His bottom line: “The investment case for Publicis and Omnicom changes materially as a result of this deal, but we think it changes for the better long-term,” he wrote, adding, “In our view, even if integration risks being challenging and protracted, the prospect of a competitively much stronger business emerging is exciting from an investment perspective.”
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