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Celebrities Voice Support For Royal Charter In Full Page Adverts

JK Rowling, John Cleese, Bob Geldof and a long list of celebrities are to be featured in full-page national newspaper adverts supporting the Royal Charter to regulate the British press.

The advertising campaign has been organised by Hacked Off, the group campaigning against press intrusion, including the hacking of mobile phones that belong to celebrities and those in the media spotlight.

It is backing the formation of a new press watchdog, as suggested by the Leveson Enquiry, but under the auspices of a Royal Charter rather than a self-regulated press body. The majority of British newspaper companies have refused to sign up to a body set up under Royal Charter, claiming that press freedom could be jeopardised.

The list of high-profile supporters for the campaign numbers more than 200, including members of the public embroiled in the hacking scandal, such as Kate and Gerry and McCann, in addition to well-known journalists, including John Pilger, Polly Toynbee and former Sun editor, David Yelland.

The campaign marks the first anniversary of the Royal Charter being drawn up by parliament, following the Leveson Enquiry. It remains ineffective, given that News UK, Associated Newspapers and Telegraph Media Group have elected to form an Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) and the the remaining big names, such as The Guardian and Financial Times, has not signed up to either body.

Read the whole story at The Guardian »

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