
Delivering Content To Young Males: Make It Fast, Accessible, And Shareable

The proliferation of digital media via mobile phones, tablets, and apps has understandably affected various consumer groups differently. For any brand or organization with a story to tell, this means new opportunities and new obstacles to reach particular audiences. To keep up with the growth of digital, today’s content needs to be catered to audiences in a much more conscious and holistic way than it has been before.

To reach younger male audiences, this means content providers need to shift, and with regard to male Millennials (18 – 34) and Generation Z (under 18) in particular, it’s important to realize that they value very specific qualities in the media they consume. What should dictate the content targeted at young males is what’s most important to them: ease of sharing, support for novel platforms, and on-demand viewership.


Especially for the new generation of males, ease of sharing is essential. It’s no secret that this group is used to being tightly connected with peers — so much so that most of their friends are just a quick text message or Facebook chat away. This culture of proximity has encouraged sharing interesting content through a variety of different channels.

So create content with this in mind. Make sure your content is easily shareable across a wide array of platforms.

Support for Novel Platforms

In many ways, it’s imperative for content curators to be platform-agnostic, given that consumers are using a multitude of platforms and devices. But alongside a strong dedication to multi-channel and multi-platform support, we need to be embracing the unconventional platforms that male millennials and Gen Z are using.

Xbox, for example, is no longer just a gaming device, but a content delivery platform.  It’s clear that young males make up a significant portion of the video game audience, and what’s astounding is that few brands have truly integrated their offerings to reach consumers using these platforms. Xbox has — further than just support for games — support for apps, which should be an area of focus for content creators.

On-Demand Viewership

On-demand viewership goes hand in hand with shareability and platform support. Consumers s receiving content shared by a friend need to be able to view that content on their time, whether they’re checking their smartphone waiting for a ride or lounging with their tablet at home. It’s no secret that live TV viewership has declined — especially among the Millennial generation. For example, when analyzing viewership of all pro sports for the 6-17 year old age group between 2009 and 2012, Navigate found that live viewership declined by 16%.

This just emphasizes the need to make content available digitally so that young male consumers — and consumers in general — can view content on their own terms and their own time.

Shareability, platform support, and on-demand viewership are all features that enable great content to shine. Brands and content creators are investing heavily in illustrating their amazing stories, and it’s equally important to invest in methods that allow that content to resonate with viewers. To reach these consumers, make sure your content clicks.

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