NEW! Emmitt Smith Signs Fan Tweets For XFINITY Sports' #SignMyTweet

emmittsmithGiven the digital age that we live in, things like autograph signings sound almost archaic. XFINITY Sports is keeping autograph signings current by placing a digital spin on the act. The brand enlisted NFL to participate in #SignMyTweet. From Nov. 23 to Nov. 24, fans could tweet @XFINITYSports using the hashtag #SignMyTweet for a chance to get their tweet signed by Hall of Famer Emmitt Smith. Then, during a live Twitter signing Nov 24, selected tweets were printed and hand-signed by Smith, and the autographed tweets were mailed to winners as a souvenir. Smith signed a whopping 400 autographs during the two-hour signing. Check out a video of the Twitter signing here. I especially love what Smith did to the tweet that said the "Cowboys suck." Goodby Silverstein & Partners created the campaign.
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