Cars Become Driver's BFFs In Campaign For Conoco And 76

Venables Bell & Partners created a series of TV and online videos for Conoco and 76 in which cars are the biggest secrets-holders -- so they need to be treated well.  In "Smoothie," a husband begrudgingly goes on a health kick with his wife. She hands him a green smoothie as he leaves for work and he drives off, opens the glove compartment, and dunks mini doughnuts in his healthy drink. See it here. Two pals go shopping in "Long Goodbye." The passenger had such a great time that she doesn't want to exit the car. Her pal plays along -- but once the friend is inside her apartment complex, the driver can drop the act and feel relieved that the day is over. Watch it here. A working mom tells her husband she's stuck in traffic in "Working Late." Dad's running on fumes while his wife, not really stuck in traffic, reads the latest celebrity gossip in the office parking lot. See it here. Carpooling friends take the "longcut" to work, and still make it to the office on time. It's antics from "The Hangover" before work. The co-workers hit an amusement park, watch roller derby and play a high-stakes game of mahjong, all before 9 a.m. Watch it here. In "Monologue," one man thinks about how life has changed for each friend who participated in the longcut. His inner monologue is actually spoken out loud, though, making the driver slightly uncomfortable. See it here



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