Twitter Finds Benefit in Email; Updates Digits

Twitter has taken another step toward killing traditional password logins, following in the footsteps of Yahoo's mail app update last week.

For email marketers, it enables Twitter to utilize email to build a better, more complete customer profile

In a series of announcements yesterday at the second annual Twitter Flight mobile developer conference, Twitter unveiled Digits’ new email authentication service.

The developer tool enables users to use alternative login methods for signing in. Instead of a traditional username or password, users can access their accounts through text, voice, or email verification.

Not only does this simplify the sign-in process for users, but it is also considered a more secure measure when compared to passwords that can be easily hacked.

Digits was first announced at Twitter Flight 2014 as a part of Fabric, Twitter’s mobile app developer framework. While originally a text-messaging account verification service, Digits has now expanded to support email confirmation as well.



Digits can also correlate a phone number to an email for app developers that have already created email-based accounts, but still want to integrate with Digits.

Yesterday, Twitter also announced that Digits’ friend-finder tool has expanded to include email and that Vine and Dubsmash will now use Digits to verify users.

Amazon Cognito and Periscope announced they had integrated with Digits in May 2015.

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