AmFam has worked with The Players’ Tribune, a platform that features editorial from athletes, since 2016. Over the past two years, The Players’ Tribune has integrated over 70 athletes into AmFam branded content.
Last year, the partnership generated more than 34 million views and over 1.3 million social engagements, according to TPT.
The first series of this year’s partnership was inspired by Father’s Day last Sunday. The series, called “Through a Father’s Eyes,” will premiere Wednesday, spotlights three athletes and their take on fatherhood.
The episodes will star two dads, Dallas Mavericks guard Jason Terry and Milwaukee Bucks pointguard Eric Bledsoe. Vegas Golden Knights hockey goalie Malcolm Subban isn't a father, but he will discuss the role his father played in his life.
The other series is called “A Players’ Evolution” and features “day-in-the-life” style interviews with athletes looking back at their dreams at different stages in their careers. It will have six videos with six different athletes.
The athletes featured in the series play for teams in American Family Insurance markets, according to Jared Schoenfeld, vice president, head of brand partnerships at The Players’ Tribune.
“The Players’ Tribune provides us with a unique opportunity to tap into a broad fan base and their passion around sports," Megan Seman, media manager at American Family Insurance, told Publishers Daily.
The Players’ Tribune has worked with more than 60 brands in the last three years.
“It’s increasingly hard for brands to reach audiences in a meaningful way that isn’t clickbait,” said Jeff Levick, CEO of The Players' Tribune.
Brands come to TPT for its access to influencers and their audiences through its network of athletes, as well as its storytelling capabilities and brand sales teams, according to Levick.
“Traditional sports marketers are moving away from traditional buys,” Schoenfeld said.
TPT is ad-free. Its fastest growing business is its original production and licensing business, Levick said.