Journalists have faced several challenges in the last 12 months, none bigger than making do with staff reductions, but that hasn’t stopped them from embracing video and other content
formats, judging by Global State of the Media Report, a global study by Cision
The journalists surveyed have included these multimedia or data elements in their
content over the past year:
- Videos—44%
- Data visualization—43%
- Social media
- Web polls/surveys—34%
- Audio—20%
- Brand logos—27%
- None of
the above—14%
- Livestreams—11$
- Animation—9%
- Quizzes—7%
However, journalists list these issues as holding them back:
- Keeping up amid downsizing and
reduced resources—38%
- Balancing important topics against pressure to drive business—22%
- Battling
- Other—11%
- Politicization of the press—10%
In addition,
the respondents list these challenges affecting journalism in general over the past 12 months:
- Maintaining credibility as a trusted news source/combating accusations of
“fake news”—27%
- Lack of staffing and resources—20%
- Declining advertising and circulation
- Rise of social networks and influencers bypassing traditional media—19%
- Blurring lines between editorial and
Their top goal as reporters is accuracy. Their leading priorities are:
- Ensuring content is
- Audience perception as a trusted news source—14%
- Exclusivity—9%
- Income—7%
- Gaining exposure of/recognition of my work—4%
- Being the first to publish—3%
In contrast, journalists perceive these goals as being the top ones at their organizations:
- Ensuring content is accurate—43%
- Revenue—22%
- Audience perception as a trusted news source—19%
- Traffic—11%
- Providing a
voice for critical issues impacting our communities—8%
- Exclusivity—4%
- Being the first to
The study is largely oriented toward how PR professionals should communicate with journalists. The respondents would block a communications professional because
- Spamming me with irrelevant pitches—76%
- Providing inaccurate or unsourced
- Pitches that sound like marketing brochures—57%
- Following up with me
- Dodging inquiries/lack of transparency—46%
- Canceling on me last
- Failure to respond to me same day/within deadline—25%
- Broken embargoes—24%
- Addressing me by the wrong name—17%
- Reaching out unsolicited on social media—17%
Cision surveyed 3,132 professionals in 17 markets
worldwide in February and March 2023.