The web radio audience tracker reported today that the MeasureCast Internet Radio Listening Index for the week of Jan. 14 - 20 rose a modest 1% to an index value of 484, meaning the total time spent listening (TTSL) to streaming broadcasters has increased 484% since January 2001.
Eighteen of the MeasureCast Top 25 stations streamed more hours than they did the previous week, and 10 stations enjoyed larger audiences than they did the week before. Virgin Radio took the top spot in the MeasureCast Weekly Top 25 ranking. MEDIAmazing and JazzFM finished two and three respectively.
According to MeasureCast, the largest age group listening to Internet radio for the week of was 25-34 year-olds (28%), while 57% of listeners were under 35 and 29% were younger than 25. Also, 7% were over 55, 69% of listeners were men and 31% were women. Top streaming nations include Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
That said, I have a confession to make. I stand corrected in my rant last Friday about the widespread misuse of the English language and the word 'monetize.' It turns out the word does exist and according to one online dictionary means "to establish as legal tender; to coin (money); or to convert (government debt) from securities into currency that can be used to purchase goods and services." On the other hand, one of our readers offered another definition: "Monetize: To attempt to figure out, way too late, how a venture will ever turn profitable." Nevertheless, I do sincerely apologize.