
Sorry, You're Breaking Up

At last, the passive-aggressive among us can get out of bad relationships as easily as normal people: Have Shannen Doherty do it on “Breaking Up With Shannen Doherty,” a new reality show on the Oxygen cable network.

To promote the reality show, agency Toy offered heart-breaking tools. Vendor MaxRacks distributed breakup postcards: Simply check off your lover’s flaws and toss in the mailbox. Wild postings in New York enticed passersby to enter a sweetheart’s name, pen a few stinging lines, and presto — the relationship’s over.

A billboard featuring a formerly happy couple was spiked with giant pink darts. In a radio spot, a mom delivered a message to her son from his girlfriend: “Women have needs, darling.” The campaign included online banners that read, “Girls, tell your girlfriends. Guys, warn your friends.” They ran online on AOL, Netflix, Gawker, Defamer, and People.

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