Google Supports Ben & Jerry's ONE Promotion

Google and Ben & Jerry's are partnering to promote ONE, a group dedicated to eradicating world poverty.

Ben & Jerry's recently introduced four new flavors, including ONE Cheesecake Brownie, which is cheesecake-flavored ice cream with cheesecake brownie chunks. Each of the containers has information on the organization.

"We have a lot in common with our friends at Google," according to an opt-in email blast from the Waterbury, Vermont-based Ben & Jerry's. "We're both passionate about searching for answers. So we've teamed up with Google to spread the word about ONE, a grassroots campaign dedicated to fighting extreme poverty and preventable diseases around the globe. We can end extreme poverty in our lifetime if we all agree to be part of the solution. Learn what you can do by visiting today."

On the dedicated ONE/Ben & Jerry's Web page, visitors are invited to sign up to be supporters of ONE. The group's activities include raising public awareness about the issues of global poverty, hunger, disease and efforts to fight such problems in the world's poorest countries.

Google's involvement is primarily fiduciary, according to a Google spokesperson.

"At Google, we strongly support ONE in its mission to make poverty history and are pleased to be able to help them further this goal through a grant from," said a Google spokesperson. "We salute Ben & Jerry's continued commitment to making the world a sweeter place by helping deserving organizations find new audiences." is Google's philanthropic arm. It is funded with 1% of Google's equity and profits, as well as employee time. Google established the Google Foundation in 2005, which is a separate 501(c)(3) private foundation. The Google Foundation is managed by, and supports the mission and core initiatives as one of their sources of funds for grant making. As of January 2008, and the Google Foundation have committed more than $75 million in grants and investments.

Ben & Jerry's retail outlets are having a free cone day on April 29, partly as a way to thank ONE members.

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