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Converting Blog Traffic Into Sales

So you've succeeded in getting your client to blog. And now page views and comments are up, the content is having a great impact on overall SEO--but the client wants to know how the blog can actually impact sales. Jennifer Osborne has been in the same situation, and she offers some tips for converting those readers into buyers.

The blog has to represent a company's authority or industry expertise if readers are going to trust it enough to pull out their credit cards. "Use your blog to develop a specialty in a particular niche of your industry," Osborne says.

Blog conversions are also driven by keeping readers in the loop. Tell them where they can find similar content, or a more detailed analysis, or even a video or product demo. "Don't add new content without thinking about what it relates to," Osborne says. "Link it to the next step. This will substantially increase your opportunity to convert."

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